Warm Home Discount Schemes are starting to open now! If you are on a low income/benefits, check if you can apply to your energy provider to receive a credit of £140 on your electricity bill. It’s first come, first served so don’t delay! EON’s scheme has opened now and Utilita opens next week, others usually open in August and September. You can find out more here https://www.simpleenergyadvice.org.uk/pages/warm-home-discount
If you receive the guarantee element of Pension Credit you should get this payment automatically – you are in the ‘Core Group’. If you didn’t get it last year, click the link to find out who you should contact.
If you receive other benefits, you are in the ‘Broader Group’ and need to apply each year. Each supplier sets their own rules about who can apply, and these rules might change from year to year. Click the link and you’ll find links to different energy suppliers. Only the bigger energy suppliers need to provide this discount.