Well, September has come around quickly and a blog is well overdue!
In later August Dorothy and I were reunited in true celebratory style at raised bed parties across the fine city of Elgin. Here’s a couple of photos:

I’ve also been getting involved in a side project developing a new community garden at SACRO’s young person’s accommodation in Covesea Road, as well as continuing visits to Action for Children, both with Ann and unfortunately with no camera in tow!

Instead, photo-wise I have some of Dorothy spreading her magic, developing Elgin Youth Cafe’s splendid new backyard garden and leading the final of our Grow Your Own workshops on Harvesting and Preserving.

Bike-powered smoothies were the order of the day at our final session, courtesy of the leg work of some of the younger attendees but all got to indulge in the fruits of their labour. And Dorothy rolled out a selection of classic locally made preserves and pickles for a taste test; naturally they passed with flying colours! My, was I kicking myself for missing this session!

This Saturday is the first of our Introduction to Permaculture days – more from me soon on this…