Edible Elgin

Did you know there are edible plants growing in Elgin High Street and at Cooper Park, ready for you to pick, wash and use?

Please remember these beds are in public spaces so wear gloves to harvest, or disinfect your hands before and after harvesting. Wash food thoroughly before eating and please do not visit the beds if you have any symptoms of coronavirus.

As part of REAP’s Grow Elgin project to grow more food locally and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we have raised beds with a variety of edible plants. You will find these in the planters in Elgin’s High Street (please do not  eat plants in any of the other High Street planters!) and four raised beds in Cooper Park which are located close to the old aviaries. You can also download our Edible Elgin leaflet here.

What’s growing in the beds?
The beds have vegetables, herbs and soft fruit growing in them. You might like to try:
  • A few parsley leaves or chives to go in your sandwich.
  • A strawberry or two or a few black currants to go with your lunch.
  • A cup of fresh herbal tea, add hot water to a few leaves from the pineapple mint, lemon balm, camomile flowers or fennel.
  • Pick some fresh herbs for dinner. Try some leaves of the thyme, marjoram or rosemary (or all three!) on your pizza or in your pasta sauce.
Can anybody just help themselves?

Yes! The plants are there to be used by anyone and everyone. Be sure to wash what you pick before eating.

How much should I take?

Please harvest small amounts for your or your family’s immediate needs. Many of the leafy vegetables can be harvested on a cut-and-come-again basis, taking a few leaves from several plants rather than a whole plant.

Be sure to compost whatever part of the harvested plants you don’t eat.
When should I harvest?
We have a lollypop traffic light system in our planters to help you know when they are ready to be picked.
Green    =  Ready to pick
Orange  =  Not quite ready yet
Red        =  Do not pick
Which herbs are which?

The pictures below will help you identify which herbs you are looking at.

Chives                                                 Camomile                                           Borage


Lemon balm                                         Marjoram                                          Parsley


Sage                                                        Marigold                                           Chervil


Thyme                               Nasturtiums                   Fennel                              Rosemary                       


The Cooper Park Orchard

There is also a community orchard in Cooper Park (see the map below). Apple and plum trees were planted in the Spring of 2016 by REAP and local volunteers. These trees produce crops of fruit in the autumn for local people to harvest and eat.

How can I get more involved?

The Cooper Park beds have been planted and looked after by local people, for local people. If you would like to help look after the beds please join us at our next Bi Monthly session. To find out when the next session is see our Facebook page or give us a call.

REAP’s Grow Elgin Project is funded by the Climate Challenge Fund