Morriston Road, Elgin
IV30 6UN

REAP’s Therapeutic Garden Open Day
Tuesday 29th August, 11:30am-4pm at The OAKS, Morriston Road, Elgin.
Drop by to say hello to the team and to come see what we’ve been up to in our therapeutic garden.
If you’ve been thinking about joining us or would just like to find out more, this is a great chance to visit our lovely site at the OAKS, on Morriston Road, Elgin.
We’ll also be running two workshops on the day.
12-1pm: Propagation in the Garden Workshop
2-3pm: Nature Crafts Workshop
No need to book, you can just drop in!
This project aims to improve mental & physical well-being for adults through gardening, nature-connection & time spent socialising in natural, peaceful surroundings.
Therapeutic gardening is the use of garden space to improve and build resilience in mental health; to increase physical activity; develop social skills and encourage a healthier diet.
Session days and times
Participants meet on a weekly basis on Tuesday afternoons 2-4:30 pm and Thursday mornings 10-12:30pm at The Oaks site in Elgin where they can take part in various gardening activities such as sowing seeds, growing veg, fruit trees care, learning about composting and harvesting vegetables to take home. There is also a chance to socialise during our tea break. In the winter, we will hold indoor sessions where participants can learn to cook delicious soups from our garden or try their hands at nature-based craft activities.
Who can participate?
This project is suitable for individuals with low to moderate mental health conditions, mild physical disabilities or individuals experiencing isolation or bereavement.
How to join?
For individuals:
We do not accept self-referrals at the moment. If you wish to join the programme, please get in touch with your GP or your social or health worker and ask them to email our Therapeutic Worker at: and we will be in touch.
For referring agencies:
We have designed an info pack for referrers where you can find answers to your questions and more information about the project: The Oaks Therapeutic Garden Project Info Pack for Referrers (click to download)
If you have a client that might benefit from this project, please email our Therapeutic Worker at: and they will be in touch.
For more information, please see REAP’s website:
Drop by between 11:30am and 4pm on Tuesday 29th August, 2023 to find out more!